All about your skin

All about your skin

Ever go to bed with your make up on?  Wash your face with a bar of soap?  Forget your sunscreen? Go days without drinking water? No biggie right?  Well, when it comes to your skin, it is a big deal.

Aging to me is about feeling and looking good for my age.  Many things we do in life can contribute to premature aging and dull lifeless skin.  I know a lot of ladies I work with feel better when their skin is at its best.

My tips are below along with some product recommendations, all available through me at The Skin Shop.

1.         Cleansing - Yep, it’s gotta be done. It seems like a no-brainer, but it’s remarkable to me how many of my clients tell me that they don’t bother to wash their face at night. I know we all have the odd time when we just want to plop into bed, but cleansing well is instrumental to healthy skin. 

Recommended daily cleansers:

2.         Exfoliate - as we age, our skin does not turn over as quickly and we need to give it a boost in order to keep it bright and clean.  Beware of the Clarasonic and similar facial brushes, I know they feel good, but you should not be using these devices more than 1x a week. If you notice your skin is getting dry, back off it.  There are some great products that you can gently incorporate into your regime a couple of times a week. You should not see your face flaking off.

Recommended exfoliants:

  • 100 percent pure scrub and mask (a personal favorite): this amazing exfoliant smells amazing and has two functions.  Mask to rejuvenate and jojoba beads to act as a gentle exfoliant to soften and moisturize.
  • Rhonda Allison brightening scrub: brightens and tones, exfoliate surface dead cells to give a deep polish and glowing complexion

3.         SPF - we are moving into summer and SPF is important.  Put it on daily no matter if you are going outside or not. 

4.         Eat well - lots of fruits and veggies, minimize caffeine, wine and greasy foods. No fun, I know!

5.         Exercise- increased blood flow to your skin brings out that beautiful glow and feeds essential nutrients to maintain the health.

6.         Know your skin type - I can help you with determining your skin type in a consultation, but if you are using inappropriate skincare that is not specific to your skin type you could be creating issues down the road. Come in and see me so we can determine your skin type and ensure proper skincare for you.

7.         Moisturize - Even if you are oily, moisture is essential for skin health and often we let our skin dry out, which can lead to premature aging.

Recommended moisturizers: 

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